DuCoop participates in Interreg 2-Seas project NEREUS for recovery of water, nutrients and energy

Water Cycles

Since the beginning of october 2017, DuCoop started together with the Flemish knowledge center for water (VITO/Vlakwa), Waterlink and other British, French and Dutch partners the Interreg 2seas Project ‘NEREUS’. This project will demonstrate innovative technologies for reuse of wastewater and other wastestreams in urban environments. Together with Antwerp Nieuw-Zuid, DuCoop will provide a demonstration site in Flanders.

The cooperation DuCoop will demonstrate an economically viable innovative business model for decentral residential  wastewater treatment with integration of other sustainable technologies, like low-temperature district heating, resource-and water recovery and smart energy control system (storage and demand management).

The projectconsortium ‘Schipperskaai Development’ (Vanhaerents, Revive and Van Roey Development) who was awarded the development of the ‘de Nieuwe Dokken’ site by the city of Ghent in 2014 based on our organisation’s innovative approach on recovery of energy, nutrients and water (the ‘ZAWENT’ technology’)

DuCoop will invest in a 4th generation heating network providing the 400 apartments in ‘de Nieuwe Dokken’ development with central heating and sanitary hot water, supplied with sustainable waste heat that is produced from biogas and a heat pump, which will provide enough energy to cover up to 1/3 of the district’s  heat demand of 2.500 MWh. The remeaning heat demand can be provided by low-range (55°C) waste heat from nearby industry, which should be able to provide the peak demand of the heating system at any time.

At full deployment, the district will be an example of circular economy with yearly re-use of over 30.000m³ of city water (>90% of the total consumption), production of over 500 MWh of waste heat from waste water and biogas from local organic waste, recycling of 1.500 kg of phosphate rich crystals for the local urban agriculture project. Furthermore, thanks to the construction of low energy housing and abundant locally and offsite produced renewable energy, the district will be climate neutral. 

more info: https://www.nereus-project.eu/

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The Nereus project receives funding from the EU Interreg 2 Seas programme, no 2S03-011.